The Four Pillars of Sustainability


When we began, most of our customers were "gringos" living in beautiful baja california, mexico + other remote parts of the world without access to electricity.

We saw that many people in remote parts of the world were eeking out a living on a few dollars a month. Instead of going to school, children worked alongside their parents. The cycle of poverty and misery seemed inescapable.

We saw first-hand the positive impact that accessible and affordable electricity made to families + entire communities. We designed and installed energy storage systems for thousands all over Baja, the Carribean, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Asia and the United States.

To resolve this complex matrix of obstacles, since 1987, we have spearheaded a “Four Pillars” Approach to Sustainability


Environmental Stewardship

As environmental stewards, Solar Electric protects the natural environment through conservation and sustainable practices with the development  of responsible + sustainable solar power systems.


Social Equity

With electricity, we provide people + communities with an equal opportunity in a safe and healthy environment - integral in creating sustainability, balancing economic, environmental + social equity.


Economic Health

With electricity, we are empowering people and communities to escape poverty by providing them with the tools to build a brighter future.


Cultural Autonomy

Regardless geography, access to affordable electricity helps break barriers and unites people from all walks of life + all parts of the  world.