Only the best products for a reliable installation.


You want a solar system that will provide you, your family or your business with reliable energy. For that very reason, we only use the best products for each installation. We also gladly accommodate any requests for a particular brand or country of original including American made brands.

Solar Module Brands

quality, durability and reliability for decades of energy

the solar module brands we carry

Solar modules are the heart of your solar electric system. We offer solar panels to fit any budget without sacrificing quality. And we stock a large variety of American-made modules. Here are some of the solar modules we regularly use...

Solar Inverter Brands

quality and reliability for unbeatable uptime

the solar inverter brands we carry

Each solar installation is different and because each installation is different, we carry a variety of inverters. From residential string inverters, mppt optimized inverters {solaredge}, stand-alone or battery back-up inverters, and commercial string and central inverters. Here are some of the inverters we regularly use...

Solar Balance of System Brands

quality and reliability for years of durability

the solar balance of system brands we carry

Because we have been designing and installing solar electric systems since 1987, we have experience installing residential grid tie, commercial, industrial, hybrid and stand-alone systems. We only use the most durable materials and products for rooftop mounting, ground mount installations, pole mount systems, solar tracking systems, and lead and AGM batteries. Here are some of the brands we regularly use...